Jacqueline kennedy onassis high school district

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Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis High School (DOE) West 46th Street, New York, NY , US Phone: () FAX: ()
jacqueline kennedy onassis high school district

Jacqueline kennedy-onassis high school reviews

Get information on Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis High School in New York, NY including enrollment, state testing assessments and student body breakdown.

Jacqueline kennedy onassis high school inside schools

Jacqueline Kennedy-Onassis High School, a public school located in New York, NY, serves grade (s) in New York City Geographic District # 2.
Jacqueline kennedy onassis history
Located near Times Square, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis is one of a handful of high schools that offer business courses in addition to the typical array of high school classes.