Uday shankar star india biography for kids

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Uday Shankar, was a major dancer and choreographer of India whose adaptation of Western theatrical techniques to traditional Hindu dance popularized the ancient art form in India, .
uday shankar star india biography for kids

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Uday Shankar was born on in Udaipur in the state of Rajasthan, India.

Uday shankar linkedin

उदय शंकर (अंग्रेज़ी: Uday Shankar; जन्म- 8 दिसम्बर, ई., राजस्थान; मृत्यु- 26 सितम्बर, ई., कोलकाता) भारत के प्रसिद्ध नर्तक, नृत्य निर्देशक और .

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Uday Shankar was a major dancer and choreographer of India whose adaptation of Western theatrical techniques to traditional Hindu dance popularized the ancient art form in .